First joint Project Steering Committee and Data and Safety Monitoring Board Meeting in 7-9 July 2024.

The first face-to-face DATURA joint Project Steering Committee (PSC) and Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) meeting took place on July 7-9, 2024 in Montpellier, France. Around 40 people, members of the 2 committees together with representatives of all participating countries (Cambodia, Cameroon, France, Guinea, Mozambique, Norway, Uganda and Zambia) and leaders of the six work packages were able to attend this meeting.

Led by Dr. Paula Munderi, Chair of the PSC, Prof. Peter Godfrey-Faussett, Chair of the DSMB, and the two project coordinators, Dr. Didier Laureillard and Prof. Francois-Xavier Blanc, the meeting aimed to assess the trial progress two years after the start of inclusions, discuss the current challenges in recruitment and present preliminary data about pharmacokinetics.

DATURA is collecting rich data on diagnostics and treatment of severely immuno-compromised HIV-infected people with tuberculosis that may help to develop additional guidance for advanced HIV disease. The recommendation of the DSMB, approved by the PSC, is to continue DATURA and make every possible effort to maximise recruitment until December 2024. Results of the trial are expected in 2026.