
Country Principal Investigator: DIALLO Boubacar Djelo

Country Project Manager: Dr Boubacar BAH

Clinical facilities participating:

  • National Hospital, Donka (Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department)

Coordinating trial unit:

Pneumo-Phthisiology Department, Ignace Deen Hospital

More information:


The trial will take place in the Ignace Deen University Hospital in Conakry, the capital city. The department of Pneumophtisiology is considered as to be the national referral facility for TB management. Its role is to undertake the correct handling of complicated cases, as well as participation in scientific and operational research and the training of medical and paramedical staff for TB management. An average of 30 HIV-infected adults are hospitalised for TB per month in this department. More than 2,200 HIV-infected patients are followed in its out-patient clinic. The staffs have already been involved in clinical trials involving TB-HIV co-infected patients, notably related to increased doses of rifampicin.

The clinical trial unit will be located in the department of Pneumophtisiology with devoted staff. The National TB laboratory is located in the Pneumo-Phtisiology department. Smear-microscopy, culture for mycobacteria (Löwenstein Jensen and MGIT), Xpert MTB/RIF tests, standard biology, CD4 cell counts and HIV viral load will be performed in this laboratory which has sample storage capacity.

The Centre for the care of HIV/AIDS patients in Donka Hospital is currently supported by MSF Belgium. It includes a laboratory, an outpatient clinic and a 31-bed unit for advanced patients, including 5 intensive care beds. The latter receives 60 to 80 patients per month

DATURA Mission to Guinea, Conakry – July 05-09th, 2021