
Country Principal Investigator: Prof. Eric-Walter PEFURA-YONE

Country Clincal Manager: Dr. Lauriane FOMETE

Clinical facilities participating:

Coordinating trial unit: ANRS site office

More information:

In Cameroon, trial subjects will receive care and treatment at Jamot hospital in Yaoundé, the capital city. The pulmonary department there is the 3rd reference level in the country’s fight against TB. Its role is the appropriate handling of complicated cases, as well as participation in scientific and operational research and the training of medical and paramedical staff for TB management. The trial will take place in the Pneumology A ward where an average of 25 HIV-infected patients are hospitalised for TB every month. The staffs have already been involved in therapeutic trials in HIV-TB co-infected patients.

Routine laboratory tests (haematology, biochemistry) and HIV tests (CD4 cell count, HIV viral load) will be performed at the Pasteur Institute of Yaoundé. The Pasteur Institute of Yaoundé is a national reference laboratory for TB, which performs smear-microscopy, culture for mycobacteria (Löwenstein Jensen and MGIT), Xpert MTB/RIF tests, Genotype MTBDR plus tests and has sample storage capacity. It will receive the samples from the trial.

The ANRS-Cameroon research centre, located in the central hospital of Yaoundé hosts a clinical trial research unit and has more than 10 years’ experience with implementing clinical trials in accordance with Good Clinical Practice guidelines.